I’m compiling q2pro as it’s updated and will make it available in the public folder on quake2.itbacon.com
Windows (q2pro.exe and q2proded.exe) & Linux (Ubuntu, q2proded only) builds available.
Bacon + Technology
I’m compiling q2pro as it’s updated and will make it available in the public folder on quake2.itbacon.com
Windows (q2pro.exe and q2proded.exe) & Linux (Ubuntu, q2proded only) builds available.
Thanks to you, now I’m able to run old mods using your tutorial to build q2proded!
I’ve added this config “-Dsystem-wide=false” ’cause I’m not running my q2 from home directory.
Cheers from Brazil!
btw, you missed one thing in this file:
cp buildi386/gamex86.so ~/quake2/baseq2
but the filename is gamei386.so
Thank you very much! I will get that updated shortly, and I’m glad it worked for you!
I’ve updated the guide to include your changes. Thanks again!
thanks dude u rock!
Hey, thanks for the info on how to compile q2proded for i386. Now i can run tourney instagib with latest q2pro 🙂
I need help with somethig else and i cant find how to do it anywhere: i want to compile latest q2pro client with anticheat module support. I see that you make a client avalaible for download but i need to compile with http support. Can you provide instructions for this? Thanks in advance.
I cannot, sorry. I haven’t been able to figure it out. I asked skullernet about it but it wasn’t helpful lol.
I think he provides nightly builds on the GitHub (search GitHub for skullernet q2pro)
I see, thanks for the fast reply 🙂
For adding anticheat module support, you should modify messon.build by adding the following:
if get_option(‘anticheat-client’)
client_src += ‘src/windows/ac.c’
config.set(‘USE_AC_CLIENT’, ‘USE_CLIENT’)
And this in summary:
‘anticheat-client’ : config.get(‘USE_AC_CLIENT’, ”) != ”,
with that config, and by compiling x86 32bit binary, you should be able at least to load the dll. But for me, even if i load it, i can’t access to my server xd, so if you know a workarround, ill be glad to read it.