Portainer as Docker Compose file

Updating portainer becomes:
docker compose down
docker pull portainer/portainer-ce:latest
docker compose up -d

version: '3.0'
    container_name: portainer
    hostname: portainer
    command: --sslcert /certs/lan.fullchain --sslkey /certs/lan.key
    image: portainer/portainer-ce:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: bridge
      - "TZ=EST5EDT"
      - 9443:9443
      - data:/data
      - /ssl/lancerts:/certs:ro
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock


Paste the above into a docker-compose.yml file, I placed mine in a ‘portainer’ folder inside my home directory. Then just run docker compose up -d

I use a folder on my system, /ssl/lancerts, which I map to /certs inside the container. You will have to modify your certificate locations in the volumes section, and the command line towards the top of the compose file. If you are not using SSL, then simply comment out or remove the command line at the top of the compose file and remove the volume mapping.

Action Quake 2 servers!

Update 9-15-2023: All servers are now running q2pro instead of r1q2. I’ve disabled the anticheat module because it’s 2023…I believe this should allow Linux clients to play as well.

I decided to throw up an original Action Quake 2 server! I’ll probably make a whole subdomain for this so stay tuned if you’re interested. I’ll be sure to post downloads etc.

You can vote the map with vote map <map>

Check it out if you want, from the Quake2 console:
– Team Deathmatch: connect itbacon.com:27910
– Deathmatch: connect itbacon.com:27911
– Jump Mod: connect itbacon.com:27912 (this is where I’ll usually be!)

Recent Downtime

Power outages from storms the last couple of weeks have caused some recent downtime. Apologies for that! I guess 30-45min of battery backup just hasn’t been enough. Unfortunately, currently, I have no plans to move itbacon.com. At least not unless it gets way, way more popular!

Motherboard RAID

I will not use motherboard raid.

I will not use motherboard raid.

I will not use motherboard raid.

I will not use motherboard raid.

I will not use motherboard raid.

I will not use motherboard raid.

Fixing Windows IPv6

Update 8-13-2023: You may or may not need some or all of these commands anymore.

Below is a set of commands you can try running to help resolve issues with multiple random temporary addresses, and seemingly all of IPv6 stops working randomly. I use DHCP6 on my home network and this has helped to resolve a lot of connectivity issues for me. I don’t seem to lose IPv6 connectivity anymore.

The interface does seem to still get more than one address, which is frustrating, but probably due to router advetisements on my firewall. It only seems to use the primary one it gets from DHCP however, which is good. I have tried doing netsh int ipv6 set interface “<interface>” routerdiscovery=disabled store=persistent but, it does not persist after a reboot, and netsh int ipv6 show interface “<interface>” shows that it is enabled again. I imagine there is some registry edit that can be done, or adding it to task scheduler but, until it becomes an issue I am find that the below works for me.

I don’t know why Microsoft has made this so hard. All of my Linux and FreeBSD machines can acquire and maintain an IPv6 address forever. A singular address.

You’ll need to run these in an Administrator command prompt. You can access that by right-clicking your Start button and choosing either Command Prompt (Admin) or Windows Powershell (Admin). If you only have Powershell, once it opens, type cmd and press enter to go into a command prompt shell. Alternatively, press your Windows key or click the start button, and type cmd and press CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER once you see Command Prompt in the list (you will only need to type cmd, the start menu will select Command Prompt after a moment in ‘Best Match‘ at the top of the search results.)

netsh int ipv6 set privacy state=disabled store=active
netsh int ipv6 set privacy state=disabled store=persistent
netsh int ipv6 set global randomizeidentifiers=disabled store=active
netsh int ipv6 set global randomizeidentifiers=disabled store=persistent

Afterwards, I find going into Control Panel, (small icons) Network and Sharing Center, Change Adapter Settings, and right-click on your interface and Disable it, then Enable it with another right-click. Or you can reboot.